Hood Museum opens

The renovated and expanded museum opened last month, and the initial notices are in: articles by Eleanor Gibson in Dezeen, Suzanne Stephens in Architectural Record, and Sydney Franklin in Archpaper.

(The Dezeen notice mentions the preservation of the gray-brick exterior of the stair as an interior wall of the new atrium. In fact the original stair exterior was a neat and characteristic row of flat concrete pillars — see this image from See Local Art. The renovation actually obscures the fact that the wall was once an exterior surface. Presumably the change in the height of the wall required the new surface.)

The Hood has a Visit page and, from last November, a video with Director Stomberg. The Sestercentennial site has an announcement with photos of the original museum from 1985. The Hood’s Quarterly (pdf) has an article about previous locations of the college’s art collection.